What we have achieved.

Update: May 2023

Climate Action Plan

  • The Board adopted the Climate Action Plan for Government Services​ (PDF).
  • Development of hybrid and telework strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of which 50% are attributed to commutes. ​
  • Continue paper reduction strategies to reduce the waste stream and space needs. ​

Update: October 2022

Real Property Portfolio Management Policy

The Board Of Supervisors adopted by resolution the County’s Real Property Portfolio Management Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability Policy and Implementing Procedures. (R-2022-489 – PDF)​

  • County space utilization rate of no more than 200 gross square feet per person.​
  • Minimization of tenant improvement expenditures.​
  • Departments are encouraged to allow employees in appropriate jobs to make alternative work arrangements at alternate work locations and provide workplaces that may be shared by others.​
  • All departments shall consider alternative workplace policies that will reduce operating costs associated with owned and leased real property, reduce space needs, and reduce emissions.​

Town Hall Meetings

One person can not accomplish our 10X goals. It is going to take all of our employees buying into our goals. But we know that our employees can’t buy into what they don’t understand. So, we decided to organize 3 town hall meetings to share our vision with them.

Employees and leaders from multiple departments came together and shared what our vision is and gave examples how we are working right now towards achieving our goals. We asked them to dream big; to not be limited by what they think is possible but to believe that anything is possible. We challenged them to work towards our goals everyday.

Photo of the audience at one of the Town Halls


Photos from the town hall in Dublin.

San Lorenzo

Photos from the town hall in San Lorenzo.


Photos from the town hall in Oakland.

Town Hall In-A-Kit

We couldn’t hold enough town halls for all 9000+ County employees to attend. So, we needed a way for departments to organize and run their own town halls.

Our solution: create a virtual Town Hall In-A-Kit. We built an Intranet website where department teams can review and download materials to help them run their own town halls. The site includes:

      • How-To Guide
      • Sample agenda
      • Sample PowerPoint presentation
      • Engaging exercises
      • Vision 2026 “quiz”
      • Videos
Screenshot of the Town Hall In A Kit website.