What we want to achieve.

Moonshot Thinking

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

When President John F. Kennedy said that, we didn’t know how to get to the moon but he challenged us to do it anyway. That is “moonshot thinking”. It is about changing the world. It is accepting the fact that we do not know how to do something yet, but we are going to do it anyway.

Photo of president John F. Kennedy
Vision 2026 icon is similar to a compass.

Be Bothered By the Impossible

“You don’t spend your time being bothered that you can’t teleport from here to Japan, because there is a part of you that thinks it’s impossible. Moonshot thinking is choosing to be bothered by that.”

Astro Teller, computer scientist

Our 10X Goals

The idea behind 10X goals is not to improve something by 10%. The goal is to improve something 10 times. To achieve that, you might have to start over. 10X goals require more than “thinking outside-the-box”. They require you to “rethink the box”.

These 10X Goals are what will help us achieve our vision for Alameda County.


Ensure the availability of diverse and affordable housing for all residents with the goal of eliminating homelessness in Alameda County



  • GOAL 1. Provide quality housing that is affordable to all residents.
    • Objective 1: Support provision of housing to prevent and end homelessness.
    • Objective 2: Preserve assisted and affordable rental housing.
    • Objective 3: Promote affordable homeownership programs and programs that help residents avoid displacement.


  • GOAL 2. Increase the availability of housing to meet the needs of County residents.
    • Objective 1: Remove unnecessary regulatory barriers that inhibit housing development.
    • Objective 2: Evaluate public properties for affordable housing and development.
    • Objective 3: Encourage acceptance of rental subsidies by private sector landlords.

Land Use

  • GOAL 3. Maximize efficient land use through progressive policies and programs.
    • Objective 1: Promote higher-density, mixed-use and infill development in transit corridors.
    • Objective 2: Ensure an appropriate range of densities to maximize utilization of residentially zoned land.
    • Objective 3: Promote development of rental housing.


Ensure healthcare for all with a focus on providing preventive and supportive services to vulnerable populations


Healthy Community

  • GOAL 1. Ensure that all Alameda County residents live in Healthy Communities.
    • Objective 1: Promote practices that support healthy living.
    • Objective 2: Participate in a collective advocacy to systematically promote health.
    • Objective 3: Ensure access to medical, dental, and behavioral health care for low income communities.

Environmental Health

  • GOAL 2. Ensure public health through effective environmental protection.
    • Objective 1: Implement programs that ensure food safety for the public.
    • Objective 2: Prevent and eliminate the presence of environmental contaminants in communities.
    • Objective 3: Promote health and safety standards compliance in housing and businesses.

Health Care Safety Net

  • GOAL 3. Strengthen safety net health services for vulnerable populations.
    • Objective 1: Enhance the capacity of the health safety net system.
    • Objective 2: Enhance access to health services for low-income residents.
    • Objective 3: Promote affordable health care coverage for all county residents.

Preventive Health Care

  • GOAL 4. Promote preventative health care strategies.
    • Objective 1: Implement “Food as Medicine” strategies.
    • Objective 2: Implement community-based prevention and early intervention medical, dental, and behavioral health care services.
    • Objective 3: Expand home visiting and family support programs that promote preventive care.

Integrated Health Care

  • GOAL 5. Integrate health care, housing, and education initiatives.
    • Objective 1: Promote housing to improve health outcomes.
    • Objective 2: Ensure affordable housing meets the health and mobility needs of seniors and low income residents.
    • Objective 3: Provide coordinated care through systems integration among safety net partners.

Place-Based Health Services

  • GOAL 6. Expand access to health services through place-based strategies.
    • Objective 1: Expand community-based health services for older adults.
    • Objective 2: Transform Alameda County into an age-friendly community by using the World Health Organization (WHO) framework.
    • Objective 3: Expand placed-based health services for homeless and other vulnerable populations.

Public Health

  • GOAL 7. Ensure public health through rapid and effective incident response.
    • Objective 1: Ensure effective communicable disease surveillance, control and prevention.
    • Objective 2: Ensure high quality medical 911 responses throughout the County.
    • Objective 3: Ensure the effectiveness of the health and medical response in the County’s disaster preparedness efforts.


Deliver services through highly skilled, agile and responsive County employees and support full employment of the hard to employ throughout the County


Model Excellence

  • GOAL 1. Be a great place to work with a commitment to meeting the changing needs and interests of employees and the County.
    • Objective 1: Create and implement best practices for recruitment, development and retention.
    • Objective 2: Promote employment policies, practices and benefits that are responsive to changing conditions and needs.
    • Objective 3: Advance Diversity and Inclusion as critical drivers for success.

Expand Opportunity

  • GOAL 2. Create meaningful employment opportunities for the hard to employ.
    • Objective 1: Enhance employee / employer matching programs through WDB.
    • Objective 2: Partner with community stakeholders and regional business networks to expand employment opportunities.
    • Objective 3: Eliminate policies and practices that are barriers to employment.

Prepare for the Future

  • GOAL 3. Foster entrepreneurship and innovation that leads to sustainable economic growth.
    • Objective 1: Collaborate with private employers to identify best practices to prepare and develop employees.
    • Objective 2: Support innovative incubators to promote small scale entrepreneurship efforts to enhance job creation.
    • Objective 3: Partner with educational programs (colleges, universities, school districts, high schools trade programs) to create an agile, job ready workforce.


Ensure all residents’ basic needs are met including eliminating poverty and hunger, while building resiliency and self-sufficiency among vulnerable populations


Basic Needs

  • GOAL 1. Ensure everyone’s basic needs are met.
    • Objective 1: Provide access to resources for nutritious foods.
    • Objective 2: Facilitate access to and retention of safe, stable housing.
    • Objective 3: Enhance access to and retention of quality health care.
    • Objective 4: Promote access to job training that leads to gainful employment.

Vulnerable Populations

  • GOAL 2. Enhance the safety, well-being and resiliency of vulnerable populations.
    • Objective 1: Promote health, safety, and wellness with an emphasis on prevention and early access.
    • Objective 2: Eliminate barriers and increase access to needed services and supports.
    • Objective 3: Outreach and partner with community-based providers, advocates, policymakers and consumers.

Service Delivery

  • GOAL 3. Improve service delivery systems for the safety net.
    • Objective 1: Invest in leading technology to be more efficient and agile in responding to ever-changing demands.
    • Objective 2: Ensure a highly skilled workforce.
    • Objective 3: Track and be accountable for outcome and performance metrics.


Implement robust criminal justice strategies that lead to a crime free county through responsive and innovative community engagement while providing effective support for victims and reentry populations.


Community Safety

  • GOAL 1. Provide equitable and effective crime reduction strategies.
    • Objective 1: Promote strong County-wide community engagement through safety education, awareness, and civic responsibility.
    • Objective 2: Implement robust, effective neighborhood crime prevention programs.
    • Objective 3: Ensure geographic based access to the justice system services.

Victims Support

  • GOAL 2. Ensure victims of crime are treated with respect, dignity, empathy, and effective support.
    • Objective 1: Uphold victims’ rights and protections afforded by the criminal justice system.
    • Objective 2: Provide victim services that are effective and easily accessible.
    • Objective 3: Implement public safety policies for victims that include options for a restorative justice model.
    • Objective 4: Enhance victim restitution payments and improve offender accountability.
    • Objective 5: Educate the public on Victim Rights issues and the community’s role in providing support and services.

Reentry Support

  • GOAL 3. Provide the reentry community with the opportunities to become contributing and productive members of the society.
    • Objective 1: Reduce re-entry barriers
    • Objective 2: Develop wrap-around re-entry services that are easy to navigate.
    • Objective 3: Support services that provide for effective family reunification.
    • Objective 4: Leverage community partnerships, including public, private and nonprofit organizations, in support of the reentry community.
    • Objective 5: Provide employment opportunities for individuals who have been justice involved.

Criminal Justice Strategies

  • GOAL 4. Reduce reliance on incarceration through the development of evidenced-based community justice alternatives.
    • Objective 1: Create early intervention opportunities through the development of a robust and comprehensive continuum of care system.
    • Objective 2: Support criminal justice strategies that are based upon data-driven outcomes.
    • Objective 3: Invest in proven prevention and intervention strategies for youth and adults.
    • Objective 4: Provide opportunities for successful reintegration of clients into the community.
    • Objective 5: Incorporate progressive evidence based and quality control practices.

Juvenile Justice

  • GOAL 5. Break the inter-generational cycle of incarceration.
    • Objective 1: Actively engage youth to provide a pathway to a safe, healthy and empowering future.
    • Objective 2: Promote the rights of all children to have a strong, inspired, transformational education.
    • Objective 3: Develop intervention and prevention strategies that focus on reducing youth involvement in the juvenile justice system.
    • Objective 4: Create alternatives to incarceration for youth who commit low level offenses, first time offenders, and those with special needs.
    • Objective 5: Promote research based programs for transitional age youth to improve outcomes.

Emergency Management

  • GOAL 6. Deploy an emergency management system that strengthens the capacity to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies.
    • Objective 1: Promote a uniform management structure for all emergency responses.
    • Objective 2: Promote interoperability for emergency responders, both day-to-day, as well as during large emergencies.
    • Objective 3: Enhance the safety of emergency personnel and improve the overall response through robust training in technical emergency management standards and operating procedures.
    • Objective 4: Enhance and coordinate the volunteer base of residents and businesses that can respond to major disasters and emergencies.
    • Objective 5: Continue to improve the emergency mass notification system.


Implement smart, accessible and adaptive public infrastructure that enables the deployment of future technologies while optimizing the return on investments of existing infrastructure.


Accessibility & Mobility

  • GOAL 1. Provide accessible infrastructure that supports all modes of mobility.
    • Objective 1: Encourage regional transit agencies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public transportation.
    • Objective 2: Improve the accessibility of infrastructure for bicycle and pedestrian use.
    • Objective 3: Develop infrastructure that supports access to county services from anywhere at anytime and on any device.

Safety & Security

  • GOAL 2. Ensure infrastructure meets the highest safety and security standards.
    • Objective 1: Provide ongoing safety and security improvements of infrastructure.
    • Objective 2: Provide enhanced traffic and road safety enforcement programs.
    • Objective 3: Implement security systems that ensure the safety of employees, customers and the community.

Maintenance & Preservation

  • GOAL 3. Optimize the lifecycle of existing infrastructure through ongoing maintenance and preservation.
    • Objective 1: Perform maintenance activities at levels that minimize deferred maintenance.
    • Objective 2: Seek and implement new and effective maintenance tools and practices to maximize useful life.
    • Objective 3: Preserve public infrastructure by eliminating vandalism and misuse.

Smart Infrastructure

  • GOAL 4. Implement smart infrastructure.
    • Objective 1: Deploy technologies that reduce County office space needs.
    • Objective 2: Support remote access enabling technologies.
    • Objective 3: Adopt intelligent building technologies that allow for efficient use resources.
    • Objective 4: Support clean energy production and delivery strategies.

Adaptive Infrastructure

  • GOAL 5. Promote the development of infrastructure that enables future technology.
    • Objective 1: Support infrastructure for the safe and rapid deployment of advanced technologies.
    • Objective 2: Build infrastructures that are resilient and adaptable.
    • Objective 3: Implement infrastructure for the deployment of advanced transportation systems.
Photo of District 3 Supervisor Wilma Chan

Our Goals Are Within Our Grasp

“By facing forward and anticipating Alameda County’s greatest challenges, goals we once thought unachievable – such as eliminating poverty and hunger – are now within our grasp.”

Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors